sábado, 16 de janeiro de 2010

Get your ass outta that chair!

You are in the prime of your years!
Focus on school.
Make lifelong friends.
Do something crazy with the people who care about you the most.
Go to the mall and make some insiders.
Start talking to that one kid in your class that you’ve never talked to before.
Live every day to the fullest, Carpe Diem.
Don’t waste your time over a silly boy when you know you’ll find another guy to crush over (oh, deep inside, you KNOW you will).
You shouldn’t be worrying about finding the ‘perfect’ boyfriend right now; you’re supposed to stress about grades, or finding time to fit your friends into your schedule, or even, finding the right outfit to school.
Don’t sit around moping on the computer complaining about a guy you can’t get out of your head!
Even if you don’t want to, make plans with your closest friends.
Once you get out there, you’re going to !
You should be creating memories that will stick with you for a very long time.

3 comentários:

  1. Então madrinha, vamos criar mais memórias para eu me lembrar para todo o sempre?!

    Beijo <3

  2. You shouldn’t be worrying about finding the ‘perfect’ boyfriend right now; you’re supposed to stress about grades, or finding time to fit your friends into your schedule, or even, finding the right outfit to school.

    Bem, nao é perfeito, mas ja o tenho ha algum tempo... nao me preocupo com isso! ahah =p
    Para os amigos tenho sempre tempo, em que seja por sms num teste xD E o stress das notas, esse está ca sempre!

    Gostei muito de todo o texto! Dá q pensar nesta vida academica...

  3. Patrícia? Porque é que estás a escrever como "Anónimo"? x)

    E aaaaw, fico feliz por ti :) cá as solteiras não pensam é noutra coisa xP e quanto ao balançar amigos com falta de tempo, é sempre um stress...
